Congratulations! You have all worked diligently exhibiting many positive qualities on your journey. The other teachers and I are very proud of you. We are proud of the fact that you continue to strive to be the best version of yourself, in body, mind, and spirit. As Black Belts, we know the only person we need to be better than is the person each of us was yesterday.
If you see a turtle on a fence post, the one thing you’d know for certain is that the turtle didn’t get there by himself. Certain, too, is the truth that not one of you has accomplished your goals by himself or herself alone. Your family members and friends continue to be an integral part of your success. I know you appreciate their support and express gratitude to all those who encourage you to stick with it – to persevere. Your life is changed for the better because of your Black Belt success and accomplishments, of this there is no doubt!
By being part of this graduating class, you are part of a very special group. Your teachers respect you, admire you and love you.
I can tell you without equivocation that the values and virtues you practice and develop at your dojo will stand by you as you go through life. You would be hard pressed to look at any other time in our society’s history where we have needed these black belt values and black belt virtues more. Carry on the tradition by being a part of a new generation of talented black belts.
Continue your journey and I guarantee your life and the lives of those you care for will be better for it.
Again, congratulations on your success.
Buzz Durkin
10th Dan - Hanshi Sei
Headmaster Uechiryu ButokukaiTM
The 2024 Uechiryu Butokukai Black Belt Graduation Yearbook
This year’s Graduation yearbook is a beautiful representation of all the candidates hard work and training to achieve their level of Black Belt. This year’s yearbook is in color and hardcover and includes headshots of all graduates and teachers, historic and current events, and interesting and commemorative information.
All 2024 graduates will receive a hardcover copy of the yearbook as part of their black belt testing fee. Additional copies can be purchased by the link below.
If you have any thoughts, correction, additions or replacements - please do not hesitate to EMAIL ME.
Black Belt Graduation Yearbook Table of Content