The Senior Master’s Council serves as guide for the Butokukai and its interaction with other Karate Associations. The idea behind it being that it would not deal with the day-to-day operations of running a dojo (Which is a very important task well taken care of by the Association of Dojo Owners), but address the issues of what is going on in the world outside of the Butokukai.
The current line-up of the Senior Master’s Council is a mix of experienced Instructors, Sensei and/or Sempais. The mix/balance allows our discussions to look at long-term policies, such as criteria for master’s testing and titles, and view them from the point of view from both inside the Association and how it represents Uechiryu in general.
Typically, the Senior Master’s Council has been the Hachidans and Kudans of the Association, but as the association is growing, perhaps a more stringent criteria should be considered.
Certainly, an argument could be made for letting all Hachidans in, but another argument could be made for “too many cooks in the kitchen.”
In addition to the responsibilities of supporting Association events Uechi-Con, Black Belt Testing, Graduations, Intramurals, attendance at our semi-annual meeting and whatever other criteria presents itself, should be the candidates’ conviction of pushing Uechiryu (and the Butokukai) to the next level and being dedicated enough to help that be achieved.
Candidates for addition this year
Douglass Jack
Fred Cicerchia
Bob Beal