Sensei Leyn Burrows
Kudan (9th Degree Black Belt)
Judan Candidate of 2024
Leyn Burrows is a student of Grandmaster Buzz Durkin and is the Sempai of the Uechiryu Butokukai He began his training in 1970 under the tutelage of fellow Bermudian Sensei Al Wharton and began his training with Buzz Durkin 1974. He has a broad knowledge of Uechi hard/soft methods and loves sharing his teaching and philosophy.
His many martial art accomplishments include:
Being a premier Uechi fighter and competitor in
the 1970’s and 1980’s having competed in the
OkinawaBeing a former NORTH AMERICAN UECHI
KARATE ASSOCIATION black belt sparring
champion (NAUKA)Sensei Burrows is the “Good will Ambassador”
for the Uechiryu Butokukai