The Uechiryu Butokukai(tm) was founded by Grandmaster Buzz Durkin in 1984. Since then it has grown to be one of the largest Uechi organizations in the world; consisting of eight ninth degree black belts, fourteen dojos and over two thousand practicing students.
The word “Butokukai” is derivative of the traditional name given the parent dojo (Butokukan) by our seniors in Okinawa. “Bu” (martial) “toku” (virtue) “kai” (gathering). Uechi Ryu Butokukai: Gathering of students who are practicing the virtues of the martial arts.
The parent dojo (Butokukan) is located in Atkinson, NH. Mr. Durkin is the sensei of this dojo, where he teaches with Association Director Marcus Traynor.
The Uechiryu Butokukai is an Association of Senior ranking students (Master’s Council); independently owned karate schools and event facilitators dedicated to the growth of high quality Uechi karate. The mission of the Association is to make its students more successful in life through the practice of Uechi style karate. This is done by teaching our karate as a complete discipline (mind, body, spirit) which in addition to developing physical defense, encourages the formation of high personal standards and respect for fellow men and women.
Through this teaching, individual practice and nurturing a student service culture the association strives daily to produce individuals who are positive, respected and contributing members of society.
Components of the Uechiryu Butokukai(tm)
Senior Master's Council
The Senior Master’s Council is responsible for the maintaining of standards across the Association. All Members of the Senior Master’s Council have been studying for well over thirty years.
Association of Dojo Owners
The Association of Dojo Owners are independently owned Uechi karate schools dedicated to the growth of high quality Uechi karate.
Facilitator’s Guild
The Members of Facilitator’s Guild are dedicated men and women of all ages who are responsible for operating and running of the Butokukai sponsored events.